After all the party time and the headaches due to excessive wine consumption, it's back to serious business.

First created the notches in HS404 as per the plans. There is a left and right side one. Carefull before starting to cut. The notches are for the clearences of the HS710 and HS714 on the front spar. Make sure they are on the right direction and orientation.

 Then prepared the edges on all of the rib pieces. Deburring, sanding with 400gritt and then fluting to get the part straight and making the flanges perpendicular to the web.

I made some adjustments to the HS710 and HS714 to front spar as I had the impression there was still some spacing. I made the countersink 2 clicks deeper  and it seems to fit better now.

Finally I matchdrilled the front spars outboard attachment holes to the reinforcement spars.

Next step... assembly. Now things are becoming more interesting.