Another surprise showed up while going through my finish list before priming.

I realised that I have not yet deburred or dimpeled the F-724  and F-722 aft fuselage bulkheads that form the basis for the side bagagge area covers.
On top of that, I found that on one side, I forgot to drill through the longeron in the top tab of the F-724.

This proofs once more that it's a good idea after dimpling and deburring to re-assemble the whole thing to find out if everything is really ready.

Here's a shot of the missing drilled hole in F-724-L

I checked the plans (since this is some time ago that I matchdrilled those parts) and saw that a marking has to made 1/4" from the inner edge of the longeron.

I marked with a black line the forward and aft line that aligns with the tab on F-724 and then measured the 0.250 with the caliper.

If you have lot's of time, you coud make a paper template of the top tab and put it over the longeron to have a more precise positioning.

Drilled a pilot hole and then enlarged until could ream it #30.

From the top it looks fine.

After drilling and removing the bulkhead, I think this is 0.250" a bad idea.

My side lines where right on and my hole is perfectly in the middle, but the 0.250 is moving the hole way backwards so edge distance results here are by far insufficient.
This is not a structural joint so I'm not worrying about it but I would in the future drill  at less then 0.250 in the longeron to get some more edge distance on the thinest part which is this top tab.

Then deburred and dimpled the bulkheads. The nutplate 3/32" holes for the nutplate ears also get dimpled. Pay attention to the direction of dimpling here.

Then deburred and dimpled the nutplate ear positions on the F-750 aft baggage side covers. 4 holes to be dimpled, the rest will be pop rivetted with LP4-3 rivets as this is a fixed structure.
The baggage side cover in front (F-749) of this one will be bolted as they need to be remobable to access the flap rod mechanism.

Here's a shot with bulkheads and cover asembled

And as I had some time left, also mounted the armrests.