After priming the rudderstops, it's time to get out the pneumatic squeeze and blind rivetting gun.
Easy to squeeze the two aft rivets. The front rivets take pop rivets.

 I'm not very happy with the way the little tabs on the bottom of F-712 bulkhead came out. As you see, the whole is in the edge of the tab I guess it won't be a drama but this could have been designed better by Vans if you ask me.
The main reason for this is the difficulty to put that thick bottom skin on and the stress it creates on those tabs. It won't break appart but it's not a nice sight.

 Other side

 Here the tab came out slightly better but still not fully ok and below edge distance

 I also primed the up elevator stop angle that i drilled earlier so it's also a good moment to install it permanently. The up stop takes 3AN470 rivets that can be squeezed and 2 AN3 bolts that were torqued.

 Bottom view. As you can see, there is too little space to get the torque wrench bit on these nuts so torqued the bold head instead of the nut.