More opportunities for rivetting after priming. Next up is the vertical stabilizor attach plate. This was drilled earlier and is now ready for rivetting.

 The crucial part here was ensuring edge distance on the bottom line of rivets (right in the picture).

 Clecoed it all together and started rivetting. Most of these could be squeezed

The first ones in place.

And a bit later, all are done.

 A look from the back side.

I found some more rivets missing  in the bulkhead connections.

 And on the other hand, I found that this is going to be a problem when rivetting the top fuselage skins.

There is no way to rivet the top rivets in the intersection so had to drill out the two rivets in the top in order to be able to slightly move the F787 stiffener. It's gonna be real fun having to rejoin those from the inside once the top skin is on, but there 's no other way to it.