The main wing structure is now rivetted on the top side and ready to be removed from the wing jig. The wing structure is now rigid enough to stand on it's own.

This means woor work ! 

I made the wing cradle out of MDF plate and 2 by 4's. It may be a bit heavy build, but I can tell you after some hours work with the wings in the cradle, that the wings sit very stable and I can drill very precisely.

First made some drawings on the MDF board using the drawing on the plans as template.

Then cut it all out

 Made the bottomframe by connecting the 2 by 4s and using the leftover cutoff plates to make some support for the wheels.

Bottom side:

top side :

Put the side panels on  and then waited from some second hand swivel wheels.

I also used the cutouts to support the upstanding plates.

A week later, I got the wheels mounted, broke down the wing jig and installed the wings in the cradle.