Have been back rivetting the stiffeners to the right elevator.

Started here with the first 2, I noticed that it is tough to set the rivets near the bend and that it's a risk of ruining the primer on the skins by touching them with your hand and rivet gun.
I asked Jacques to come and give me a hand to keep them open and it went much better then.

With the backrivetting technique, you put the rivets in the holes and then cover them with tape to keep them in place. Then turn the skin around, put the stiffener on and use the backrivet set in the rivet gun to drill on the manufactured heads of the rivets.

This is very easy once you found the right pressure setting on your compressor. My ideal pressure setting for 3/32" rivets is at 45PSI. It gives you the right amount of time to form nice manufactured heads. Not to agressive, and not too much pounding either.


Right elevator stiffeners rivetted on skin. This one is now ready for bending.