It has been quiet for a while on the log. We had a fantastic holiday in Florida and the family enjoyed a relaxing 3 weeks at the pool.

Now it's back to work and back on the project.
To get back in the mood, I started doing something that I have postponed for a long time: the rivetting of the inner portion of the trim tab.

First I marked the sides of the trim tabs and clamped them together for drilling of the holes for the poprivets that keep the ears together.

These are drilled #30 for 1/8 as they will take cs4-4 pop rivets.

Outboard side:


Inboard side:

Then rivetted the inner side of the trim tab line of rivets. I have long time been puzzled on how to do this but actually it is very simple. You use the pneumatic squeezer and the G shaped yoke with two flat set of dies while keeping the trim tab opened with the other hand. On the high side, it will bend the flange a bit but there is no distortion of the material or damage. Doing this with a rivet gun and bucking bar is almost impossible or at least it creates a lot of room for damaging the fragile trime tab.

The dimpled the #30 hooles on the sides for the CS4-4 (cs:countersunk) pop rivets . I used the pop rivet dimpler tool. Don't forget to do both ears in and out.

I have been working also extensivly on the wing jig. I will make one single log entry on this subject as it is completed.