Bit more progress on rivetting forward fuselage today. Cindy had some time so we knocked in another row of rivets. This time we tackled the F-713 auxiliary longerons on the left and right side with AN426AD4 rivets. We also replaced a couple of mishits from the previous session. It's always good to prepare well upfront for these rivetting sessions if you acquire help from an assistant who's time is limited and who can't put in long rivetting sessions. In that case, you want to be knocking in rivets instead of loosing time with moving cleco's and putting in rivets and thinking about sizes. Do that upfront and use tape to temporarily fix the rivets. A cleco, a rivet, a cleco, a rivet, and so on. If you prepare all that, your rivetting will seem to go much faster.

Inside view of the left forward side. Think inverted here, the fuselage is laying upside down. It sometimes drives you crazy working like this of what is left and right looking at the plans and then comparing with the inverted real thing in front of you.

 Passenger side inside view.