Finally some rivetting work again !

After all the priming, it's turning back in the manual to find all the parts I haven't rivetted yet and start the final assembly.
I love rivetting as it's the final step before things come finally together.

Today I rivetted the brake pedals. I drilled these years ago but never primed them and now it's finally ready.

Most of the rivets can be squeezed with the pneumatic squeezer so it's not a big work to do.

Alan came by again to make some more angular parts for the top fuselage.

Having someone in the workshop also means that I can finally post a picture again of myself at work :)

Me and my favorite tool, the pneumatic squeezer.

Here, all brake pedals are rivetted and ready for final painting.

As I had some time left, I continued working on the back rest brace of the seatbacks. rivetted the hinge on there.