Time for some funky stuff, off the plans and manual.

At some point at installing the foward top fuselage, the manual calls for installing the SV-5 vent outlets and SV-2 vent adapter.

I didn't really like the simplistic approach of the Vans plans and decided I also wanted my headset jacks to be located on the side underneath the air vents.
Looks like a nice location where the wires are out of the way of the center console.

To do so, I needed to make a small aluminum front plate that covers the airvent as well as some space for the headset jacks.

Wise people once said: If you don't follow the plans, you'll end up losing a lot of time. In the end, it turned out that wise people are always right.

I spent 10 hours on these things trying to get the right shapen and trying to get them in place.

After cutting the first one for the pilot side, here's what a first trial fit looks like.

Back view. You will have noticed that I had to make the F-793-L vent bracket longer. This supports the vent adaptor but now also gives extra support to my jack-plate.

Let me call the aluminum front plate the vent-plate to ease the explanation.

On the inboard side of the vent, I made an aluminum angle which is rivetted to the vent plate.

The other side of the angle has a #19 hole for a 8R8 screw that will attach to a nutplate which I installed on the bottom tab of the instrument panel (not in the picture)

The angle secures the inboard side of the vent plate.

Did the same on the passenger side.

Here's a view of the parts. As your can see, the top part slides behind the instrument panel and the bolt holes for the vent lines support also the plates.
Underneath I drilled and temporarily installed the two jacks for the head sets.

Back side view.

Another task out of the way and getting closer to priming again.