This is definitily how I want my RV-7 to look like.

This bird belongs to Paul Paeleman, a Belgian builder based at Sanicole (Leopoldburg). Paul invited me in Oct 2010 to give me an impression on how the RV-7 performs and behaves in flight. 'Skypassion' is a masterpiece of craftmanship and clearly build with a lot of passion and eye for little details.  What a difference in experience with flying the cessna's I have been flying until now. Just some key thoughts: smacked in your seat on take off, extremely responsefull on cruise flight and approach, smooth slow landing speed and remarkable control on the ground.

Yes that's really how I would like mine to be. Well, I'm only 2000 hours away from that point, so let's go build! (Update Dec 2011: 2000 hours, hahahahaha, make that 4000 )

Thank you Paul for that wonderfull experience. It made the decision on which kit to build much much easier.

I didn't know about the expression 'RV Grin' in October 2010, but I can assure you that I had my first RV Grin while flying this bird.
I ordered my preview plans the evening I returned from the flight.