Continuing on the windscreen. Next task is to align the height of the slider canopy frame with the windscreen.
For this, you can grind some steel from the bottom of the legs of the front bow or add some washers. In my case I had to file a bit more to get it to the final position.

Once that position is locked in, it's time to drill the slider rollers to the slider frame. Don't do this any earlier because once the hole is drilled, the height is defined.
I marked the position for the bolt screw hole on the slider frame and started measuring for the final position of the roller.
This is a critical job, if the roller is not straight, opening and closing the slider will be very difficult.

This means that the direction of the roller must be absolutly parallel to the slider track.
To check this, I held a steel ruler against the roller and verified that the ruler was parallel to the slider track along the entire length.

Did this back and forward facing like in the image below.

Once that's done, drill a pilot hole and finally drill to final size.

Here's the screw installed with some washers (not to engage on the nylon of the nut) I still have to remove this for painting.

Did the same on both side and works like a charm.