Finally got to the point of moving the big parts to my new home.

Pretty excited about it as it means i'll finally be able to continue building with all parts around me.

Fortunately, my fuselage just came apart again so all could be moved with a small trailer. However, it was pretty close to get the wings in. My friend and co builder Hugo gave me a hand moving all these delicate parts. Thanks again mate !

The open garage in the next picture gives you a good idea of the compact space of the 1 car garage I was working in so far.

The wings on the terrace

The rear fuselage arriving

Moving spars and center fuselage

All installed in the new workshop. Much more space now and also realized that my terrace is now big enough to full install both wings on the fuselage. That will be very nice. Might have to break out a wall to get there but we'll see that when the time comes :)